See YOU In September?
I went to a surprise graduation party last night.
Lots of fun!!! There was so much food... and beer & wine...
I met cousins, aunts, relatives (sisters, a brother, step-relations, parents, grandparents, an eccentric uncle), friends (3 of whom has spent the better part of the day cuddling with baby tigers and lion cubs!!!) , and co-workers...
Ya know, MY mom promised me a BIRTHDAY party... when I was turning 6.
When it came around, she took a raincheck for the next year.
When it came around again, another raincheck.
Now she wonder's why I haven't spent my last 4 birthdays with family.
It's not personal. I'm just waiting for my invitation!
Jennie's mom arranged a party from Cali-Cali and Chad's mom catered the entire affair!
It occured to me (on more than 1 occassion) that my family would never get together like that. Heck, I don't think I'll even have that many family members at my WEDDING.
My cousins probably graduated this year (York H.B. and Osgoode) ... but I'm not sure... see how close we are!!!
I am just learning the names of 3 of 5 cousins in Korea. Fabulous. Our closeness frightens me.
Anyways: Not bitter?
ConGRADulations my peers who have finished before me. Special props to my darlings who didn't not get sucked into U of T's (becoming traditional) victory lap.
[Friends are buying condos, houses, cars, and talking marriage... does that mean I should be too?!]