Deep Thought of the Day

I may look like a fool, but I feel fine.

Monday, July 25, 2005

S--- In the City!!!

Darling friend went up with me to visit Barrie.
She was a hit!!! I guess they don't make them like THAT in VR land.

Of course, born and bred, Cookie (aka. "It doesn't matter, I'm white!"), is also constantly harrassed... but that will another entry for another time.

This one's all about the S---!!!
We kicked off the visit with a BBQ-ed dinner - courtesy of Brother Bear.

He made PORK ribs... I'm allergic to pork & S--- can't eat it for religious reasons...
Way to go B.B. Luckily, he went out and got a beef steak for S--- but unlucky for me, I had to eat ribs for the first time in my life. Just the smell of the ribs gave me a rash (literally). So, needless to say, I didn't get to eat much.
To top it off, during dinner, I got bitten by a bug on the bottom of my foot and it hurt SOOO much. Made me be a whiney little baby. Not fun for anyone.

On Saturday, we went to the lakeshore.
She thought the ducks were baby Canada Geese. Hmm...

We were going to go out to a club. Hehe... it would have been entertaining, but 2 of 3 of us did not bring an appropriate wardrobe, and we decided to have ice cream & strawberries and watch "The Nightmare before Christmas" instead.

S--- & W.C. both fell asleep. Ridiculous. Tim Burton is a genius! Can't wait for "Corpse Bride" to open.

Yesterday, we finished the O.C. season 1. I loathe Marissa. She is the biggest tool in the shed. I LOOOOOOVE Sandy.

Had some Kalbi and tooke the long way back home.
Good weekend.


Hurrah, I have 6 days of employment!

Friday, Day 1:

Asked TTC ticket guy about the bus schedule at Lawrence East Stn. He didn't even know that stop existed...
Arrived at work a record 20 minutes EARLY!!!
Waited until 10a. for Silvia (person I am temping for) to arrive at the office to begin training...

Sat around for a while, drank some pop, chatted about my studies and the different hot spots downtown...

Took a lunch break...
Sorted some files.
Learned how to use a walkie-talkie...

Left early (Still got paid for a full day... EXCELLENT)

Monday, Day 2:

First day on my own.
Bought coffee at TH's.
Playing around on Messenger... harassing friends with REAL jobs.

Observed 3 teenagers throw it back to Orillia and get busted for smoking up in the mall... they had a bong made out of a 2L bottle of pop...

Now I will likely read "Jane Eyre" for the bookclub...
Or recheck my emails for the gazillionth time.

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