3 classes: 3 weeks in: 3 weeks behind
At the library. It's open 24 hours. Just like 7/11 without the slushies.
Actually, are 7/11's open 24 hours? That wouldn't make sense (because then, they should be called "24"). Hmm... something to think about.
I'm supposed to be doing readings. 3 weeks worth.
I just read one of my syllabus' to discover that I have a midterm in 2 weeks. That is very exciting.
Labour economics: My entire class is asian. It is very strange too look around and see a sea of people just like me. I don't like it.
[Although, I would probably love it if they all looked like Chow Yun Fat or Bruce Lee ... or hot-halfie: Russell Wong!
Also: It would help if the room didn't smell like green onions. What's with that?!]
*le sigh
With roomie: Had steak and potatoes and a pint of Creemore for dinner. Delish! Just like our server. A good portion of the meal was spent debating whether or not we thought he was straight.
In the end we decided it was enough that he was smokin'! - Left an awesome tip and a catcall on a comment card. *purrrr....