Deep Thought of the Day

I may look like a fool, but I feel fine.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Garage Sale: Cleaning Out My Life
Part II: My Time

I have been notorious at being late. Without fail.
I am very consistent. Non-discriminate.
Late. For everything.

Another moment of clarity.
Being late is disrespectful.

Out of respect, I am going to do everything humanly possible (on my part) to be on time (or even early!) for all my commitments.

Mission: Learn to manage my time selfishly~
I am always putting everything off. Not only because I am a procrastinator by nature but also because I always prioritize other people's needs before my own.
In the future - if I am meeting someone, then I am not going to stop to chat to make you feel special because I am making someone else feel exactly the opposite when I'm 30 minutes late.

Goal: Will work on Eastern Time NOT Carol Time.

Garage Sale: Cleaning Out My Life
Part I: My Stuff

I have kept my room (my side of it~) neat and tidy for a record of 8 days [and counting]!!!
Had an moment of clarity.
Moment provided by Papa Kim.

Respect your roommate. The point is not that you know where everything is; the point is that she has to share your space and no one likes to see a mess. Not even you.

And so, I organized all my knick-knacks into rows, put my books on the shelves, and my clothes in the drawers.
As a pat on the back, I bought myself fuschia-metallic African violets. They are looking very happy and healthy in a pink potter on my desk.

Big love to my Bootylicious Friend for not booting MY behind out into the hallway~

[Of course, now I have a different problem: I have no idea where anything is... *gloom]

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