Deep Thought of the Day

I may look like a fool, but I feel fine.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

The Name Game:


Carol: It must be short for Carolyn, Caroline? No 'e' at the end?

"No, your last name... your family name... Are you sure that's right?..."

To all of "you people", I say: Kiss the blood. I'm gonna get some burgs!

...ipconfig/release ...ipconfig/renew ...ERROR:

Rogers is so full of it. My internet has been down for 2 weeks now.
I called tech support. It was nearly impossible to understand the Techie's instructions because of his thick accent. I can deal with the accent - but I cannot deal with the fact that he was a Tartar!

In the end, nothing was fixed... and he claimed that it was my network card.
Sorry, I'm allergic to bullshit!

I plugged my laptop into my office network and it works just GREAT!
And I was informed by a darling friend that Rogers apparently issued a recall on their modems [you were supposed to get it replaced for free @ a Rogers store near you...]

They are CUT! And you better believe I won't be paying for the last couple weeks...
It is a matter of principle (not just my bank balance)!

Monday, August 16, 2004

Monday, Monday... So Good To Me!

What a Monday this has been.

It started off great. Freakishly, my body woke up early - before either my alarm clock or my daily wake up call (thank you Mai!).

I took a leisurely shower - and had actual clean clothes to wear (I did laundry at the beginning of the weekend).

I got to the subway platform and made a series of miniscule decisions that set the pace for the rest of the day:
[I feel like Gwenyth from Sliding Doors]

  1. It was 8:25am, rush hour, the first train out was absolutely packed. I didn't want to stand and I was making good time, so, I decided to leave on the next train out.
  2. I took a seat (front facing - on account of motion sickness) on the first cart (because that side is closest to my exit upon arriving at Lawrence Stn).
  3. Instead of reading my Metro, I decided to look out the front window because it's fun to watch the lights in the tunnel and to see the platform zooming by.

And then, as we were zipping into our 2nd stop, a man did a Superman in front of my train.
It was horrifying. Not that I saw anything gory. Just the man leaping. But there was a tremendous *bang! Louder than one would imagine.

He had a back pack on. Isn't that odd?

The driver was very calm but you could see the distress in his eyes.
He should definitely get a few paid days off.

So many people acted like idiots though:

  1. Even though the people in the first cart knew that someone was just hit - they just sat their like they expected the train to start at any moment.
  2. People were looking at the front of the train to see if there was any sign of the man who was hit.
  3. People started to complain about the delay - as if that was the most important thing.
    Get over being late a couple minutes - someone is dead and the driver is traumatized for life.


So, ironically, I was late for work [only by 10 minutes - the shuttle buses between stations were started almost immediately - I was impressed by the efficiency].

Naturally, Boss James was in the office.
He has never been in the office before me - with the exception of each and every time that I have been late for work (and despite what many of you may think, there have literally been only a handful of times when I ran late - 5 days? - not bad considering my track record elsewhere).
He didn't seem to mind; but I'm sure he took note of it.


Not even an hour later, an auditor from the Ministry of Finance showed up at the office unexpectedly. I had rescheduled an audit for a major client to later next month via telephone with her a couple weeks ago - apparently she did not write it down the new date...


On the up side:
I have $11.32 in my chequing account and $0.51 in my wallet.

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