Deep Thought of the Day

I may look like a fool, but I feel fine.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Olympic Bandwagon: You'll wish YOU were the wagon!

I have officially hopped on board.
Until today, I had been immune to the hype of the Summer Olympics. It's not particularly interesting; people running around a track and/or throwing objects and/or jumping about like mad men.

And then I remembered what I had forgotten: Olympic size pools and tiny speedos. Oh my!

Alexandre. He's 19 now. No longer criminal - but close.
And he's phenomenal. *le sigh
Photos of him diving... or standing... or doing ABSolutely nothing... are plastered everywhere - So, I know what sporting event I'll be watching this year! Do you?!

FYI: It is currently 33C and sunny in Athens.

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