Deep Thought of the Day

I may look like a fool, but I feel fine.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

A YEAR IN REVIEW: My Wasted Life

1. KILL BELL... I am currently on my 5th cell phone within 1 year. Apparently, I am not compatible with electronic devices. Broke 3 of them and lost 1. Of course the warranties covered none of this. At least my phone plan is decent! - Oh wait. No, it isn't. Fack.

2. ACADEMIA... I am KIM WILDER. No real comments here. Other than the fact that I still hate economics and I suck at math. I don't know what I'm gonna do when I finally graduate. And NO, I am not going to do anything do to with politics or economics so the stupid piece of paper I get at the end of this won't mean shit. (But I'll get a nice frame for it and it'll look nice on my wall. Right next to my baby violin.)

3. BOOZE... Bless me Father for I have sinned, it has been 72 hours since my last drink. Oddly, enough, I'm on yet ANOTHER sobriety run. Gawddammit, I love the bottle. As one of my darling friends told me:
The entire school year can be documented by how much you drank, who you were with and what you were wearing. Fantastic shoes, by the way.
I concurr. I will probably end up selling my soul for a pair of shoes and a hard drink. Oh wait, I think I already have. [FYI: currently on the hunt for a pair of YELLOW stilettos.]

Classic CaroLUSH Moments:

1. Drinking a 26er of vodka to myself... straight... predrinking... Oh fun times! Teehee.

2. Predrinking before an open-bar formal. SO SICK!

3. Getting hammered at 5pm at a Crush Party - karaoke is a great idea but a KEG party afterwards is even better.

4. Random Wednesday lunch turns into wasted before 4pm and drunkenly shopping for sex toys in Kensington Mkt. [FYI: Best beer goggled decision EVER!]

5. Getting my drink on at 7AM and passing out by 10AM... that was an early party!

6. Drinking beers by the pitcher on any given Monday which led to moments such as - DANCE PARTY!!! and singing "Amazing Grace" in the backyard to the dwarf hamster Capt Jack.

7. Going to Sam's yoga class slightly toasted... I do NOT recommend.

8. Human Brunny Pretzel. If you don't know and you weren't there. I'm not explaining a thing.

9. Going to BEER MECCA with the frat boys - All I can drink (in 2 hrs) premium beers on draft - POUR IT YOURSELF if ya wanna... My goal: To drink EVERY KIND! I actually only had about 15 pints or so. I even shed a literal tear of JOY right before the first pint was tapped.

10. Getting carried outta Picadillys to hollas of "CA-ROL"... ouch. Security asked if someone forcefed me 20 shots in 10 minutes cause I was FIIIINE when he saw me a couple minutes before. Sweet. Since then, getting blindly wasted has been known as "Pulling a Carol"... There is even a rumoured "TEAM CAROL". (I know who you are!!! Grrr...)

4. BOYS... fuck boys. Literally. Giggity! *Oh La La* (JUST KIDDING!!!)
MEMO: I'll start dating again in March 2007. But until then: A girl's gotta have her fun! Holla!!!

5. GIRLS... I love, love, love my girls. If nothing else, I've learned a lot about friendship this year. The ties that bond. The shit that breaks. My dad always said that you're lucky if you have even ONE true friend. I must have been born under one special fuckin star cause I'm truly BLESSED. Quotin' music genius Steve Tyler:
I kept the right ones out. And let the wrongs ones in. Had an angel of mercy to see me through all my sins. There were times in my life, when I was going insane. Tryin' to walk through the pain. When I lost my grip and I hit the floor...
Haha... And some of y'all remember when I've hit the floor... literally. Thanks for picking me up. Also quite literally. (Sorry about the hair pulling!)
Communication is key. And trust your instincts. If something seems stinky, chances are, it's BULLSHIT!

For sticking by my side while I was dealing (or not dealing) with all the problems I had over the past years ... thanks. I'm still sorting through my empire of dirt but I know I can do it with y'all here by my side. GOOD TIMES CREW, HOLLA!

CHEERS TO ANOTHER YEAR OF FUN TIMES!!! With slightly less debachery ;)

And this time I'll be sober (enough) to document some of our tedious events! Fuck Facebook. I've got a BLOG!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

heyy, that's a pretty good summary of the past year...ahhhh good times indeed!!
hahah yes team carol!! let me explain...there once was an intended to be secret but ended up not so secret team drunk, so secret partner and i created team drunker-than-team-drunk...which turned into team carol which needless to say is indeed the highest level of intoxication, highly desired but not mastered by fact, i'm sad to say that that night, i didn't make it...but as they say: practice makes perfect so drink on i shall!! cheers!

4:18 p.m.  

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