Sweet Liberating Dreams:
Time to vote, Canada!
I fell asleep watching the debate (in English). To my dismay, Mr. Paul Martin did not razzle or dazzle me.
This was his time to get fence-sitters to side with the "right" party instead of the "right-wing" party.
It stressed me out so badly that I actually had a Debate Dream:
[Now there's a U of T student for ya! Even our dreams are nerdy!]
I was PM Martin's "Water Girl". I was bringing Martin a glass of water and the debate was still going on: Layton was telling Harper to send the "Superstar USA" winner to Iraq as a WMD. [Okay, not exactly post-secondary education standard dream material, but she had just won the night before I had this dream.]
I just remember thinking: Mr. Martin! You have to get in a ZINGER!
Zinger? Zing Zing! Zap...
Who uses the word "zinger"? Now I do.
Anyways, in neither the televised debate nor my REM debate did the PM Martin get in ANY zingers. It was tragic (and stressful).
But thank the goddesses, the Liberals are IN!
Hopefully they'll be balanced by both the NDP and the Conservatives and I hope we don't go back to the polls any time soon.
[I won't even mention the traitorous BQs... Okay, I will: Anyone that voted for them should be deported immediately to somewhere in Europe - Frankly, I don't care where in Europe but I think that the EU deserves to deal with them - just for being surrender monkeys (not to mention that they probably eat cheese!)]
In the meantime HAPPY BIRTHDAY CANADA! We're still RED!