Deep Thought of the Day

I may look like a fool, but I feel fine.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Sweet Smells of Spring...

Watch where you step!
One of my biggest pet peeves in Spring is the unveiling of an entire winter of dog poop that owners must have thought would melt away as long with the snow.
[This is why it's important to teach your dog that the walk is a reward for 'making business' instead of the time to make it.]

I have lovely violets in my room.
I can't wait for the lilacs to bloom.
Of course, I don't have lilacs outside these windows...

Caught Up!

I feel like I've dropped the ball... gotta get back in that game.
So pass it over - don't pass me over.

Niagara: Natural Beauty

It was brought to my attention that our lovely Niagara Falls may not be in an ideal setting:
When you think of the Falls you might imagine walking through old growth forest, listening to the birds sing, and feel sunshine on your face before discovering the majesty of one of the worlds wonders.
However, some are surprised to find that instead you drive past motels, listen to the ching-ching of the casinos, and face garish artificial lights.

I can only imagine what it must have looked like 500 years ago: Glorious and Free.

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