Deep Thought of the Day

I may look like a fool, but I feel fine.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

The Tale of the Possessed Elevator:

Got on elevator on 1st floor.
It is just me.
Hold elevator door.
Woman gets on.
Now there are two.
I push 4.
She delays in pressing 3.
Elevator passes 3rd floor.
Small laugh together.
Must have pushed button too late.
Elevator passes the 4th floor,
And the 5th.
On floor 6, it stops.
Doors don't open.
"Open doors" button.
panic sets in.
Elevator starts to move.
5th floor.
People get on.
Now there are four.
Push 1.
Go to 1st floor.
Doors do not open.
Elevator moves to 3rd floor.
Doors open.
Now there are three.
4th floor,
5th floor,
6th floor,
Doors do not open.
5th floor,
Doors open.
I escape.
Wait for next elevator.
Same elevator arrives.
It is empty.
I enter.
I press 4.
4th floor.
Doors open.
I survive!
Wings still hot!
All is good.

Note: Those wondering why I didn't just take the stairs, the doors onto the office floors are locked from the stairwells (I don't understand that logic) and thus, the only option is to take the elevator, cross your fingers and hope that it isn't the haunted one.

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