Deep Thought of the Day

I may look like a fool, but I feel fine.

Monday, November 07, 2005

5 Day Challenge Began Yesterday...

So, the plan is not to drink at all until Friday.
[Sober does not mean no-alcohol. Thus, I am raising the bar on myself.]

In theory, this should be relatively simple and it will also be a good way to guage whether I have a drunkeness problem. If I start showing any "withdrawal" symptoms then perhaps I was not simply raging...

It turns out that my huge hangover from yesterday was just a fever. Go Sinus Infection!!! Woot!

Considering I don't remember most of Thursday or Saturday - I think I have taken drinking to an entirely different level for myself. I need memories. Memories are good.

[Perhaps I will have just 1 drink on Monday/Thursday... just 1...]

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