Deep Thought of the Day

I may look like a fool, but I feel fine.

Sunday, March 14, 2004

Top Ten Things that I Find Repulsive in Men*:
[Not in any particular order. They're ALL gross!]

1. Long Nails - There is no need for this.
2. Hips - This feature is too "womanly" for my taste. (Also, narrow shoulders. Argh)
3. Pubey Facial Hair - If you can't grow proper facial hair, don't try.
4. Lisps - Thorry, jutht too hard to take anything you thay theriothly.
5. Funky Odor - Some people smell so bad they make my eyes water. *barf*
6. Spidery Pit Hair - Haha. You might as well shave it off!
7. British Teeth - Busted teeth are not attractive. BRUSH YOUR TEETH!
8. Visible Nose/Ear hairs** - Keep 'em trimmed. No one wants to play in your enchanted forest.
9. Mullet - What possesses a person to get this "style" is beyond me.
10. Clay Aiken - Enough said***.

* Actually, most of this stuff is just criminal in general. So, trim those nose hairs, ladies!
** I noticed that I have a lot of hair-related stuff. Weird.
*** Read previous Blogs for detailed Clay-related hate propaganda.

PETA-endorsed site of the day:

I never would have believed that smacking a penguin around could be so addictive.
High Score to beat: 593.5 - Robinson.
Personal high: 588.8 - You're feeling threatened Robinson. Admit it!
593.5!!! I have reached it at long last! Tonight, I can sleep.


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